With my human clients I work mostly over distance either on the phone or by computer (Skype). We work together as if we would be sitting right here in my office. Another option for me is to tune into your energy and do the energy work. Depending on what comes forward during the session we then go over the results either at a scheduled appointment time or I email the results to you.
I also work in person at my office by appointment only.
I help clients be self-responsible by providing them with energy techniques that they can use at home.
For my animal clients I do require their name, age, gender and what you would like me to focus on. I often receive other messages and information that the animal wants to share. I then have you call me at a scheduled appointment time to go over the results or I will email the results to you depending on what comes forward in the session.
All sessions are confidential. I provide a safe and light space for these sessions.
I welcome participation, questions and comments. I work from a non-judgmental, soul directed space. I always ask for spiritual permission before working with anyone as I am very respectful of others’ energies.
Please contact me at (250)694-0139 or Send me an Email for more information and costs of these private sessions with me.