Sabrina’s Return

This was the quickest turnaround that I have ever experienced. As I wrote in my article “Sabrina’s Untimely Exit” dated January 5, 2017 my black magical cat, Sabrina, passed away on December 16, 2016. My friend, Heather, and I connected the next morning to help me work through my intense emotional reaction. I found her death to be very difficult as she was so young, it seemed so quick and it was hard to make sense of non-sense. My Mother Bear comes out when that type of imbalanced energy affects my animals. In a couple of hours I was in a peaceful space of acceptance and able to work through the grieving process in a healthy manner. Both Heather and I were getting that Sabrina’s soul was going to be coming back sooner than later. We both felt that she was going to be a walk-in with one of the cats at the local shelter. This meant that there would be a soul agreement between her soul and another soul in a cat body. That soul would walk out and her soul would walk in like a soul exchange.

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Sabrina’s Untimely Exit

Sabrina showed up in my barn on November 24, 2015. I wrote an article introducing her on December 1, 2015. This magical being had been a treasured part of our lives for a little over a year. She was a close companion for Spirit, Nitika and me. She also helped many clients and myself to awaken on much deeper levels.

Sabrina’s life in that body came to an abrupt end on December 15, 2016. She along with the other animals were being cared for overnight by a friend of mine. When I arrived home on this very cold night she did not meet me at the door with my other cat Spirit which was totally out of character for her. I searched the house thinking that perhaps she was shut in somewhere. Much to my dismay she was nowhere to be found and Spirit seemed restless. I called my friend who said Sabrina was sitting with Spirit and her that morning. As far as she knew Sabrina was in the house when she left. I worked at staying calm as I checked the house again and looked outside for footprints in the snow. No sign of her.

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