
Frosch also known as Merlin (a name that kept coming to mind when I was at the BCSPCA in December) came into our lives on May 4, 2017. A little black kitten showed interest in coming home with me when I went to adopt Sabrina and Tabitha in December 2016. I did not adopt him at that time as I wanted to feel things out further and talk with Thomas about him. When I went back to pick up Sabrina, I found out that that black kitten was transferred out with other cats to the coast (better chances of being adopted apparently).

Thomas and I were very disappointed as we felt that that body was a vehicle for the soul that had been with Thomas earlier in this life. We tried to locate the kitty and were told that his brother and he had been adopted already.

That precious soul continued to come to mind and it was clear that we were supposed to be together. We received the message that there was a soul exchange (that soul walked out and another soul walked into that body). Therefore the original soul was free to come to us. We stayed open to his return. It felt like he was going to be in another black body.

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Monolaurin Supplement

Monolaurin, which is derived from coconut oil, is one of those supplements that I have on my shelf at all times. I reach for it as soon as I feel the first onset of cold or flu symptoms.
It is known to eliminate viruses, bacteria and fungus. This remedy breaks up the coating of a virus. The virus puts itself at risk by absorbing this fatty acid in order to replicate, but in turn destroys its own protein coating. Inevitably the virus dies.
I have found it to be very effective against those colds and flu that tend to hang on or recur. Some physicians recommend taking 6 capsules per day for Epstein Barr Virus and Herpes flare-ups. Lemon water can help alleviate any worsening of symptoms should a die-off reaction occur (also known as Herxheimer Reaction). Continue Reading →