Tribute to Mum

Mum came into Greg’s life when she was around one year old. She always had a chronic cold, but that did not stop her from living a full life of nineteen years. As Greg said, “She was as tough as nails.” She was the matriarch of the cat house and everyone respected her.

Mum was very friendly and loved attention. When we moved to British Columbia, she opted to stay in the camper most of the time as she was not able to hear any longer. Special, our black cat, took very good care of her.

Other than the cold, she was very healthy. She had some issues with a bloody nose and some weakness in the spring, but the homeopathic, Aconitum nap, remedied that relatively quickly. The rest of the spring and summer, she looked great as she had a shiny coat and was at a good weight as she had a great appetite.

During the week of September 9th, Mum stopped eating and she indicated to me through animal communication that she was shutting her body down. I honoured her very graceful process. On Saturday morning, I went to check on her and she meowed loudly as she sat on the bench seat in the camper. This was not typical as I barely ever heard her make a sound. I checked in with her to see what she wanted and she wished to go outside. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day, so I made a bed up for her and brought her outside. She so enjoyed it in the sun. Then it got a bit too warm, so I moved her into the shade. She laid quietly soaking up the great outdoors. She then convulsed a few times throughout the day; a part of her dying process. I just stayed quiet and calm as I supported her. She did not want any remedies as she continued to gracefully shut herself down.

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A Long Good-Bye…

German Shepherd Dog

Greg and Uschie came together when Uschie was just a puppy. Uschie won Greg’s heart when shecame right to him as he met the litter. She was a fantastic companion for Greg and they did much together i.e. hung out, pack trips with horses, horseback riding, adventuring, et al.

Uschie and I met about seven years ago. We hit it off rightaway. She accepted me fully as I did her. She was a dog that really knew who she was and expressed her love freely. She was a loving companion and teacher for me. She was so smart and so well-behaved. She was thrilled that Greg finally had a partner that loved dogs. Uschie warmed my heart!!

She was healthy right up until her thirteenth year. I usually get clarity on when to hold my courses in the spring and summer and then I send out newsletters by late winter/early spring. Last year, I was getting no clarity whatsoever. So I continued to sit with it and yet still no guidance as we moved into April. That month, Uschie started showing signs of constipation. She asked for remedies that are known to soften stool. I continued to do energy work with her. Near the end of April, I was walking with her around our pond when she directed me via animal communication to her intestinal area. As I intuitively looked within her, I saw that her innards looked very abnormal and I had an urgent sense from her to be checked by a Vet. It was as though we needed more information about her health. Greg made an appointment that afternoon and we got the news that she had abdominal tumours(believed to be cancerous). These tumours displaced her intestinal tract and rectum. Uschie wanted to go home and direct us as to what to do for her.

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