Tribute To Sissy Morgan(also known as Sissy)
One of my barn cats in Iowa, Oreo, showed me through Animal Communication an image of Ricky(Sissy’s Brother) when I asked her if she would like any feline friends. She also indicated to me that I would be bringing home two cats to join our Family. Sure enough, that other cat was beautiful and classy, Sissy. We would often refer to her as the cleaning lady as she insisted on cleaning everyone that would let her. She started out as a barn cat and then moved herself into the house. She was a lap cat and very playful. She loved carrying around cat toys pretending they were prey. She also loved going outside to feed the horses, hunt and soak up some sun. She would go on excursions with us if we let her.
Her beautiful markings often grabbed people’s attention. Her energy was also like a magnet. She helped my students and clients to clean up their past debris. They couldn’t help but notice her pure energy which reflected their pure energy.
She had some skin and ear issues when she was young, but changing her food took care of them for good. Other than that, she was very healthy right up until last winter when she developed a slow growing tumour at her jaw/throat area and it eventually affected her eye. She told my Friend, Cynthia, and I that she had cancer and she asked for me to help keep her comfortable(mostly energy work) which we were able to accomplish. She was on and off her food, but ate for the most part right up until that day she passed on.