You Are Not Alone
September was a month of big planetary shifting which brought about recalibrating and restructuring for many of us. It also brought forward that mass clearing of old patterns, programs, beliefs and so on. Some of us were even dealing with old physical issues.
Many of us have been feeling strange since then. Some have described it as apathy, lethargy, depression, lost feeling and so on.
I feel that we have moved into a state of detachment with love, neutrality or sense of freedom. It is like putting on a new suit and getting used to it. This strange feeling is all part of the process. Some ways to deal with this is for us to stay grounded, accept this shift and take time to just be.
Let’s be patient with ourselves and know that this shift is leading us to an even deeper sense of self and what we truly desire. It is about bringing forward joy and harmony into our lives.
Hang in there…this too shall pass…
You are not alone in this!!