Magical Animal Family “The Messengers”

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It is my pleasure to introduce my Animal Family. They are all very consciously aware and their communication continues to assist me along my journey. My clients and students during the courses on my ranch and abroad also immensely benefit from their guidance. My Animal Family offer so much to so many.

I feel very fortunate and thankful to be united with them.

I will first introduce my horses, then cats and last, but certainly not least, my dog.

My Beloved Horses


Ladyhawk came to be pastured on my farm in Iowa and has been in my life ever since. She was a handful: Very excitable, disrespectful and not trusting in humans. I thankfully was awakened to Natural Horsemanship through her and became a fair and effective leader. Being the dominate mare of my herd she has had to learn how to hand over that alpha role to me. Ladyhawk has learned that being calm is pleasurable and a great space to be in. She is insistent on fair leadership helping you to leave your ego at the gate. She supports you in opening up your heart and soul connection to empower yourself to your infinite potential.

Ladyhawk’s Message: “I look forward to seeing you on our ranch and communicating with you. I have so much to offer one who will listen with their heart/soul. I am very communicative telepathically and can teach you how to be the same. Come and awaken to this very natural, empowering gift!”


I had a palomino horse named Bee (alias Bee’s Wax) that I had a very deep relationship with during my early adult years. She died at 27 years of age. She told me that she would return to physical form at some point through Ladyhawk. Sunbeam, the paint horse, came into my life in Iowa as a weanling and we appreciated being together for a few years. Bee could not wait to come back through Ladyhawk as originally planned, so Sunbeam and she decided to do a soul exchange i.e. Sunbeam’s soul walked out of that body and Bee’s soul walked in. It totally made sense to me as I noticed her to be a very different horse. Bee is known to help awaken you to your authentic self. She helps you to draw on the potential within and encourages you to live it in your everyday life.

Bee’s Message: “It is my wish to meet people that are willing to look within themselves and live life to the fullest. I am here to assist people to look beyond a limited perspective of life and see what is truly beyond this physical world. I am here to help people to open to soul possibilities that is beyond the narrow mind. Yes, I am here to help you break free of limitations that hold you back from your true self and the realizations of what truly is.”


Mandela (best known as Mandy) is one of the 4 weanlings that came to be a part of my life in Iowa. She is the recessive one of the herd for the most part. Mandy was somewhat standoffish as a youngster and would become antsy when she felt that something was expected of her. Natural Horsemanship has helped her to engage with me fully and gain confidence in herself. She is a smooth mover as she glides over the ground with ease and grace. Mandy is such a love that connects deeply with your soul. You can recognize the purity in her which stirs the purity awareness within yourself.

Mandy’s Message: “I welcome you to our sacred space here; a place where you can feel safe to release your blockages and be the brave, confident one that you are. I can assist you with this releasing and help you to accept where you are in life. With that acceptance, you can acknowledge the changes that need to be made in your life. I will support you gently in your process by offering you the loving warmth of my breath on your face as well as assisting you to ground with the Earth energy that I am so consciously connected with.
I am of the Oneness as you are; let me help you to awaken.”

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