A Powerful Time To Manifest-January 31, 2018

It has been known for a long time that the moon has a powerful influence on Mother Earth and her inhabitants. Today will be an exceptionally magical day with a Super Blue Blood Moon (Super Moon, Blue Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse combined). Such a phenomenon has not been experienced since way back in 1866. I encourage you to accept the gift of this moon’s energy to manifest what you desire.

One suggestion would be to spend some time outside to experience this rare phenomenon. You could simply take a few cleansing breaths while you enmesh with this moon’s energy. Then feel your soul’s desire(s) and bring it/them to light in the form of an affirmation or prayer. Make sure the wording is all positive. You could close with wording that rings true for you such as Amen, May Truth Prevail or Namaste. Know that your desire has been divinely intended and will be manifested at the divine time.

Should you be unable to go outside, you can still connect with this moon’s energy with intention and perform the same ceremony.

A few crystals that can assist you with using the moon energy are Selenite, Moonstone, Labradorite, Rose Quartz and Opal.

This Manifesting Ceremony can be used for any full moon. May all your desire(s) miraculously manifest!!