Evolved Bubbling

When I was first introduced to energy work, I was taught to protect my energy by bubbling myself. I would do this to not be influenced by others’ thoughts, feelings and projections. This involved visualizing white or coloured light surrounding me.

I would also offer it up to others (including animals) with the full understanding that it was their choice on a deeper level whether to utilize it or not. If it was part of their journey to be protected they would be. I found this to be very effective as did many people with whom I shared it. I have offered up protection energy around my horses during a thunderstorm. I have offered a bubble to wildlife grazing in the ditches. This is a great technique for animals during hunting season. If it is their process of life to die, they will. If not, the bubble will assist them to stay safe.

As years passed one of my horses suggested bringing protection from the inside out rather than the outside in. She spoke of going to our sacred space within and bringing the unconditional love that is part of all of us out to surround ourselves. In this way any imbalanced energy as mentioned in the first paragraph would simply dissolve in the love energy.

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Over the last several years, I have realized that we are divine beings that are always divinely protected. Being aware of this was all that was needed.

We are all growing at our own pace. It is important that we honour where we are at on our own evolutionary journey. We as individuals are at choice what method of protection works best for us. We all can use the method that best resonates with us.